Friday, October 17, 2014

Karess Lee
Resceach Blog

Can Pit Bulls become service dogs? No they can not . Some believe that the breed pit bulls are naturally vicious and can hurt people in the public surrounds. They believe if the Pit Bulls goes in public it will attack the people surrounding them but that is not true pit bulls for hundreds of years has been bred to have a human friendly disposition and a sense of owner loyalty. Unfortunately because of the way society ignorance toward pit bulls they have went from being highly respected to now a vicious breed. Some people still use Pit Bulls for many service things as in drug detection, emergency rescue, service and therapy work, military work and more.I feel as though Pit Bulls should  be allowed to become service dogs because they are not born vicious the owners make them that way. With the right training any dog can do anything just like humans. I understand fearing for people's lives but what if the dog was certified to become a service dog would you let the dog into public places? All dogs aren't mean joust like people aren't mean but just like people they get hurt and become that way. If a woman/man walked into a place with an attitude yelling at people would you to give them service as well. Why is it that they can't help others either ? Police men train their dogs to become vicious to others isn't that bad as well shouldn't that breed be banded too? Why can't they just let Pit Bulls be used for certain service needs. All people who get bit by a Pit Bill is not always the victim.  This would be good in my documentary to talk about what restrictions are on dogs becoming service dogs and why are their restrictions on the breed of the dog. I  found this article at this website had no publisher or date published

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